
Global Petroleum Society

Oil and Gas professionals
Experienced industry professionals with deep knowledge of the oil and gas sector.

Reservoir Fluid Properties and Phase Behavior

The Reservoir Fluid Properties and Phase Behavior course is designed to provide participants with a...

Unconventional Reservoirs: Shale Gas and Oil..

The online professional course on Unconventional Reservoirs: Shale Gas and Oil Geology and Development is...

Digital Transformation in Refining: Unlocking Efficiency..

The Digital Transformation in Refining course provides professionals in the oil and gas industry with...

Risk Management in the Oil and..

The oil and gas industry is known for its high-risk environment which demands strong risk...

Drilling and Well Completion Strategies for..

The course on Drilling and Well Completion Strategies for Efficient Production in Petroleum Engineering is...

Wellbore Stability Management in Challenging Conditions

Welcome to the online course on Wellbore Stability Management in Challenging Conditions. This course has...